While living and working in far flung countries can be exciting, there are most certainly downsides to being separated from your loved ones. This physical (and psychological) distance can be especially difficult when it comes to special life events, such as the announcement of a little one on the way.

Celebrating Life Events..Online
However, technology has recently shown to be a great tool for keeping friends and family spread across multiple continents and time zones connected. In the last few years, I have celebrated birthdays, engagements, baby showers and even weddings in the virtual sphere. The emotions and connections experienced behind the screens were just as valid as if we had been there in person.
Evolving Traditions
While baby registries have historically come hand-in-hand with baby showers, this is yet another tradition that can be evolved to suit the new reality of today's digital economy and the nomadic living arrangements of some modern families. Not everyone that would like to contribute to your baby preparations can attend a physical event, especially if you're located in a different city/country/continent.
Rest assured that sharing a baby registry (even without the shower!) will be well-received by loved ones. It helps take the pressure off finding the right gift by providing clear guidance on the exact items your growing family needs. Here are some tips on how to make the process as simple as possible for all:
How to Share Your Baby Registry (without a Shower):
Choose a Platform: Amazon UK, Amazon, Babylist (US, Canada, NZ and Australia only) are all great choices for baby registries. They offer a wide selection of products, group-gifting (crowd-funding for bigger ticket items), generous return policies (for when you change your mind), gift-cards and cash funds (Babylist).
Construct Your List. Both Babylist and Amazon offer checklists organised by category (e,g, nursing, feeding, bathtime, etc) to help ensure you don't forget anything vital.
Plan Ahead. Anytime between week 12 and 22 of your pregnancy is a good time to plan your announcement and share your registry. By week 30, you should have a good idea of what baby items have already been bought and still have plenty of time to shop for what's still needed well before your due date!
Share Your News! Via Email, Whatsapp or Text. Create a personalised announcement using photos (e.g. your ultrasound and/or the couple). Consider using an online design tool such as Canva to create an eye-catching invite that's easy to forward on. Don't forget to include a clickable link to your online baby registry in the text accompanying the images!
Messaging. Keep it simple and light so there's no perceived pressure. For example, "Little hands, little feet. Hello baby, goodbye sleep! We can't wait to meet our little one. For those asking how they can help us prepare, we have created a baby registry. More than anything, we are grateful for your love and support!" Another suggestion: "We are thrilled to be welcoming our new baby and can’t wait for you to meet them. If you are considering a gift, we have created a baby list on ______ for ideas".
Preparing for Baby
There are definitely a lot of extra things to consider when a baby is on the way. However, a baby registry will prove to be one of the best things you can do to prepare for your new bundle of joy. Babies need a lot of stuff! Not only will a baby registry help you get organised and save money, but it gives well-wishers the chance to show their love with items you will cherish and use... shower or no shower!